Friday, June 14, 2019

Friday Favorites

Come join my new series...Friday Favorites.  Use the graphic above and join the fun.

Today I'm sharing some of my favorite things that aren't necessarily teacher related.

I have a new favorite pair of shoes.  I ordered these plastic shoes from Amazon while on vacation and they arrived the day after we got home.  Much to my husband's dismay I think I've worn them every day since.  They are perfect for summer and going to the pool.  I got them on Amazon for $20 and I'm thinking I might need to order more colors and start a collection.

(As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases)

Being home with my sweet furbabies all day during the summer is a favorite for all three of us.

I decided to sign up for my first TPT conference.  I'm going alone and don't know anyone there so I'm feeling a bit nervous. But I'm already making new friends in the facebook group and all their encouragement is my favorite. little teaching thing.

I think I have made a decision about my new classroom decor.  That stinkin' orange wall (see previous post) as thrown me for a loop.  But it is starting to come together in my head.  Late last night I started working on some decor and the more I worked the more excited I got.  This might just be my new favorite theme.

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Summer Reading

Bitmoji Image

I love to read.

Reading is my favorite.

And I will be the first to admit that I read for pleasure.

You won't find many "professional" books on my reading list.

But lately I've been adding quite a few to my TO READ list.  My plan is to sprinkle them in among all the other books.

I thought I'd share a few that have made the cut.

Teach Like Your Hair's on Fire was recommended to me probably two years ago.  I know I know.  I should have read it by now.  I told you I don't read a lot of professional books.  So it's still on the list, but I really do plan to read it some day and soon.

I feel like an area that I could really grow in knowledge is working with and helping students with autism.  My first experience with this was BAD!!  So BAD!  Not really with the student but with the parent.  It scared me and has caused me to pull back and avoid certain situations.  I don't want to do that any longer.  I want to be better prepared and equipped to help these amazing students.  Ten Things Every Child with Autism Wishes You Knew is pretty high on my TO READ list.

Because let's be real...who doesn't laugh until they cry when listening to Gerry Brooks.  GO SEE the Principal may be my least favorite words to hear but I can't wait to read this book.

I have a few more but I'll save those to share at a later time.

What's on your TO READ list?

If you want to add any of these books to your list you can click on the title or picture to purchase.

(As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases)

Wednesday, June 5, 2019

A New Adventure

Today I slept in late, enjoyed some spontaneous time with family, and soaked up a few rays by the pool.

Summer is in full swing.

And I am here for it!

But I'm also all about some planning and dreaming and prepping for the upcoming school year.

And that's okay too.

I'm excited and ready to get started.

I will be in a new school district next year teaching 7th Grade Math which happens to be my favorite of all the things to teach.  

Last year was a weird year for me as far as teaching goes. And if I'm being honest it wasn't the most enjoyable year of my teaching career.  I didn't get to do much teaching and because of that I am eager to get back into the classroom and do my thing.

So today I took the risk  of looking like an eager beaver and I contacted my principal about getting into my new classroom.  I was dying to see it.

My husband and I just got back from an AMAZING ten day road trip.  By the end of the trip I was just busting at the seams to get home and start working on all things school.

So today was the day.  I walked into my new classroom for the first time.

My first thought?

Well dang!  The current teacher has moved out yet and I can't get started.

But I've been there and I totally get it.  She can't move until her new room is vacated.

So my disappointment was quickly replaced with big dreams and excitement.

I took note of all the storage and the two mini bulletin boards.  My brain started racing with ideas of how to arrange the desk.  

I noticed that burnt orange wall.  See it?  The wall that doesn't fit my usual color scheme of black and neon?  

And then I let my mind shift and begin to explore other theme ideas.  I'm not ready to accept any of them but dreams and ideas are beginning to form.

My eyes began to see a space where students would feel loved and free to be themselves.  I began to see a space where students would grow as mathematical thinkers.  I began to see a space where students would want to spend time.

I began to see the relationships that will no doubt be built.  I began to see the growth in me that would take place within these four walls.

You see it's not about the building.  It's not about how new or how old the building might be.  It's not about a certain color scheme.  

It's about the relationships and the bonds that are formed within the space.  

That is what creates a space for learning.

This room is now mine.

Mine and and about 130 students'.  

Students I cannot wait to meet.