Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Which One Doesn't Belong

Have you ever come across an idea that you liked, but you still didn't really give it much thought?

WODB (Which one doesn't belong?) was just that for me.

I vaguely remember hearing about this a couple of years ago.

I had long since forgotten about it until this past summer when it was mentioned in a math conference I attended.

Even then though I didn't fall in love with the idea.

Last week was my first week back with students.  You know the drill - lots of procedure practice & lots of getting to know your students.

I wanted to do a math activity that gave me some insight to their abilities but that didn't stress them about.

After all it was still the first week of school. :)

I decided to try WODB.

The idea is that there are 4 items - you can choose between shapes, numbers, and graphs & equations.

Students determine which item doesn't belong and they must give a reason.

We tried the numbers category last week.

What I love is that there is no one right answer.

Y'all every single student in my class was able to experience success

We started the year on a good note, experiencing success, and building confidence.

Here is an example.

Common answers for this one in my class was that the 9 didn't belong because it didn't have a digit in the tens place and the 16 didn't belong because it was the only even number.

Those are pretty easy and obvious choices in my opinion.

But after some discussion we found deeper reasons for those same two numbers and even came up with reasons why the other two might not belong.

The discussion that was going on in my classroom was seriously impressive.

It made me excited for the year.

There are lots of ways you can use WODB in your classroom.

I gave students 3-4 minutes to decide which number didn't belong and write down their answer along with their reasoning.  I told them their reasoning was the most important part.

Then I gave them a few minutes to discuss their thoughts with their table group.

Finally we discussed as a whole class.

The picture above was our first example.

Students only wrote down one answer.

After our discussion where they realized there are lots of different answers, they wrote down as many answers as they could for the other examples we looked at.

This is definitely something I will continue to use throughout the year.

I hope you and your students will enjoy it too.

If you already use WODB, I would love to hear how you use it.

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