After tomorrow I will have officially completed the first two weeks of school.
I must admit it has not been the easiest two weeks.
New school.
New grade levels.
New content.
Needless to say I have been feeling completely overwhelmed. I had a major melt down last night and told my husband I just felt like I was drowning.
Today has been a better day. I dare say it was the best day yet, despite its rocky start.
I'm looking forward to next week. Next week I plan to start my first unit in both 5th grade and 6th grade. I feel like I will finally be able to really get into a routine.
There are still some things I need to make a decision about.
Yesterday we spent the morning doing STAR test in both reading and math. I will get the results of the test next week. Then I will be able to start Accelerated Math.
Do any of you use this program? I would love to hear how you incorporate it in the classroom?
I've used Accelerated Math before and thought I knew exactly what I wanted to do. But now that it is all online - which is great - it changes my game plan.
Do you have students complete assignments inside or outside of class?
How often?
I would appreciate any thoughts.