Have you downloaded your QR Scanner App?
Did you try scanning the QR Code in my last post?
GREAT! Let's look at how they can be used in the classroom?
1. My first creation for using QR codes is part of my reward system. I have created 12 QR Codes that coincide with 12 different rewards. These rewards are things that for the most part do not cost me any money. They are things such as eating lunch with the teacher, not wearing shoes in class, and having the night off from homework.
I plan to print the QR codes and laminate them. I may print more of some codes so that students have a greater chance of drawing a homework pass than they do of receiving lunch with the teacher.
After they have been laminated, students will be able to draw a QR code, scan it, and see what they have won.
I love the mystery and excitement.
For example, when students scan a code, they might be given this picture.
All done with my chevron and owl theme.
You can purchase these 12 QR Codes in my TPT store.
2. Create a QR Code that links to Plain Text. You can include your email address, website, school phone number, or whatever contact information you would like parents to have. They can scan the QR code at Open House.
3. Use QR Codes as a way for students to self check their work. Students work out the problem and then scan a QR Code for the answer.
4. Do you have a blog or class website where you post homework? Create a QR Code that will take students directly to that site. Tape the code in their binder/notebook. It will always be there if they forget the assignment or get stuck on a problem.
5. Create a QR Code that coincides with a YouTube video. It's a great way for students to review a concept or learn a catchy song about the concept.
6. Create a scavenger hunt with QR codes around the classroom. This would be a great way to introduce yourself at the beginning of the year.
7. Instead of a typical worksheet with questions, use QR codes. Students match or write in the answer with the correct QR Code.
8. I LOVE the idea this blogger had. She has students ordering fractions that are on bottle caps. Once they have them ordered, they scan the QR Codes that are on the inside of the cap. The code tells them where in line that cap should be located.
9. Attach a QR Code to field trip details. Students simply scan the code and have all the information they need.
10. Link a QR Code with a song that will enhance a concept for students.