Ya'll I have been waiting not so patiently for Monday to get here so I could share my latest projects with you. I had hoped to have some of them finished to share last Monday, but it just didn't happen.
Sometimes you have to back away and enjoy a little vacation time.
Now I have even more projects to share with you. And I couldn't be more excited.
My first project was super easy. I made some Math Discovery Bottles. You all inspired me to make these. I have seen several of you make them with sight words.
Can I just say I love Monday Made It. I took a project designed for first grade and made it work for fifth or sixth grade.
You start by coloring your rice. I put 2 cups of rice into a freezer size ziploc bag along with 1.5 tablespoons of rubbing alcohol and several drops of food coloring. I wanted bright vibrant colors.
Close the bag and shake it up. Work the color into the rice.
Place your rice on a paper towel to dry. I left mine for about an hour while I worked on creating the math problems that would go inside the bottles.
I typed up my math problems using Word, printed them, and laminated them, and then cut them apart. I love having a personal laminating machine.
I placed the water bottle in the bowl with the rice and used a measuring cup to pour the rice into the bottle. Having a funnel would probably make this part a little easier, but I couldn't find one so I made do.
Pour in a little bit of rice and then add three or four problems. Add more rice. More problems. Keep doing this until all problems are in the bottle. Be sure to only fill the bottle 3/4 of the way. You need room for the rice to be able to move around.
Each of my bottles has 12 problems in them.
And of course you might want to super glue your lids on so that students can take them off and spill the rice.
I cannot wait for my students to use these in a center rotation.
This next project is one that I have been absolutely giddy over. It may be my favorite project EVER.
I gave my classroom chair a make over. This is the before picture. It actually looks pretty good in the picture. It was pretty nasty and just not colorful enough for me.
The original plan was just to cover the cushions, but as I was taking it apart I decided to spray paint it at well. The bottom cushion came completely off, but I could not get the back cushion off. I covered it with a trash bag and started painting.
Once it was painted and dry I roughly measured the fabric for each cushion. For the back, I sprayed the fabric with adhesive and then began tucking between the cushion and the plastic. We'll see how long this last.
The bottom cushion was a two man job. I couldn't pull my fabric tight and staple at the same time. Thankfully my husband was around to help. I couldn't have done it without him.
I created a cover page for my planner.
As well as a page for note taking during staff meetings.
I'm still pretty indecisive on my planner. I used a binder last year. You can see that
here. I LOVE binders! Like seriously! They are my love language. But after seeing everyone's spiral bound planners, I am torn! I like the idea of something smaller than my big two inch binder. But I also love that I can add things to my binder throughout the year.
Last project for the week. I created nine math strategy posters for my classroom. I am LOVING how they turned out.
Each one is a little different. Like them? You can purchase them in my
TPT store.
A good friend of mine just landed a teaching job for the upcoming school year. I am so excited for her. She will be teaching 7th and 8th grade Math so I made her a set too. She is decorating with orange, blue, and brown.
These are also in my TPT store if you like them.
Not your color scheme or theme? I would be happy to work with you to make a customized set just for you. They don't even have to be math strategies. I can make genre posters, posters for the writing process, or whatever you need.
Hope you all have a wonderful week.